Snow Like Ashes

★★ 2/5

Sigh. Such a pretty cover! And I got so hyped up over it too.

I was quite disappointed (I did set my expectations higher because of the cover) but regardless, it’s still a bland book. Bland storyline. Bland characters. (continue reading for possible spoilers and a tldr)

Our protagonist, Meira, is quite possibly the most annoying heroine I’ve had the pleasure of reading this year. She’s whiny and stupid but doesn’t know it. She doesn’t listen to anyone and thinks that she knows everything. I wanted to punch her in the face and tell her to shut up.

Thus, we have a love triangle between MeiraMather (Prince of Winter, long time love interest of Meira) and Theron (totally awesome prince of another kingdom). This love triangle is pointless. It shouldn’t even exist. Both guys are similar and awesome. Usually when there’s a love triangle it’s a tug between two people that are appealing but different. This one is like a war between two Mary Sue’s thats going to end up in Nowhere. Its a tug of war where you’re rooting for both sides to win. I’ll admit it – I was interested to see who was going to emerge as the victor for about 5 pages until I realized that that this was a waste of energy for me to care.

In terms of plot – there’s no surprise in the book (except for maybe one). You know what’s going to happen. The “twist” is obvious from the beginning. The main problem is the Kingdoms. There’s too many to keep track of and by the middle of the book you’re literally drowned in the history of each one.

Which Kingdom was it again? Oh right, I don’t care anymore.

tldr: Boring, boring, boring. Stay away unless you can’t resist the pretty cover (only to be even more disappointed in the book). Two stars for the cover and and initial interest in the love triangle. 

3 thoughts on “Snow Like Ashes

  1. Looks can be deceiving *sigh such a pretty cover. The moment I saw it I was like *dreamy eyes… then I read love triangle and I decided, nope not for me lol


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