Shatter Me

Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi

★ 1.5/5

I picked up this book after hearing about how the cover is similar to the original cover of The Throne of Glass (y’know: “I -could-kill-you-now-but-let-me-make-sure-my-dress-is-clean-and-my-hair-is-perfect”).

I was disappointed to an extent. This book is a romance. Not dystopian.

(read more for possible spoilers)

Problem 1: WRITING STYLE. I loved the writing style at first. It was so different and unique. But after a while a chapter, it doesn’t work out. I was like, omg how much more dramatic can you get shut up pls. It’s just plain annoying having to read stuff like “He says it with a small smile the size of Jupiter.”.  LOL WHAT???

Problem 2: CHARACTERS. Juliette seemed cool at first. She wonders whether she is still sane in a death camp prison. She’s basically an empty shell but theres this desire in her that made her seem like a true heroine — AT FIRST. But nooooooo. All this kid does is complain and fangirl over Adam (and Warner, the antagonist, to an extent). The only thing that makes her a “heroine” is her touch that kills. And she was born with that. So that’s just lame. Juliette’s character relies on this power. There is literally nothing about her that makes her special. And there’s Adam. Perfect, perfect Adam, aka Juliette’s knight in shining armor. Again, he’s just a Mary Sue that jumps in and saves the day.

Problem 3: PLOT. Let’s do a summary of the book right here: Girl meets guy in prison. They break out and get captured in another place. They break out (and sappy romance in between the capturing/escaping stuff).

tldr: Stay away if you’re looking for a dystopian novel like the blurb implies. If you’re into sappy romance or need some tips on how not to do creative writing, this book is for you. 

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