The Archived by Victoria Schwab

The Archived by Victoria Schwab

Hi guys! This is Ruby posting for the first time on this co-blog with Karen 🙂 

4 Star Review

Each body has a story to tell, a life seen in pictures that only Librarians can read. The dead are called Histories, and the vast realm in which they rest is the Archive.

Da first brought Mackenzie Bishop here four years ago, when she was twelve years old, frightened but determined to prove herself. Now Da is dead, and Mac has grown into what he once was, a ruthless Keeper, tasked with stopping often-violent Histories from waking up and getting out. Because of her job, she lies to the people she loves, and she knows fear for what it is: a useful tool for staying alive.

Being a Keeper isn’t just dangerous—it’s a constant reminder of those Mac has lost. Da’s death was hard enough, but now her little brother is gone too. Mac starts to wonder about the boundary between living and dying, sleeping and waking. In the Archive, the dead must never be disturbed. And yet, someone is deliberately altering Histories, erasing essential chapters. Unless Mac can piece together what remains, the Archive itself might crumble and fall. 

In this haunting, richly imagined novel, Victoria Schwab reveals the thin lines between past and present, love and pain, trust and deceit, unbearable loss and hard-won redemption.


This book was defenitely a 4 star. I loved it from cover to cover. My only objection was the way Mac treated her parents. It was defenitly unpleasant. Otherwise, this book was like a blackhole, pulling you in constantly. It was so very interesting. I recommend it for anyone, even adults. The characters are very well developed and Wesley Ayers is defenitely a plus. ;). He is absolutely half of the reasons to read this book. His crooked smile and sharp wit. His character is very mysterious and riveting. Mackenzie is also very interesting. You can see all the struggles she is going through and how she learns to overcome them by finally letting someone(Wesley <3) into her life. I loved how she was able to open up to him. 
Another reason to love this book is the sci-fi angle of it. The world that Victoria Schwab has created is so complex and so insanely amazing, I have to applaud her on that. She wrote this book in a very strategical way. The plot twists, real foreshadowing, and fake leads that she integrated leave you gasping as you turn every page. 

So in summary, READ THIS BOOK!

Also, if you want to discuss anything about it after you read it, or if you have any qualms about it, just use the comment box and I will reply promptly 🙂

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