The Archived by Victoria Schwab

The Archived by Victoria Schwab

Hi guys! This is Ruby posting for the first time on this co-blog with Karen 🙂 

4 Star Review

Each body has a story to tell, a life seen in pictures that only Librarians can read. The dead are called Histories, and the vast realm in which they rest is the Archive.

Da first brought Mackenzie Bishop here four years ago, when she was twelve years old, frightened but determined to prove herself. Now Da is dead, and Mac has grown into what he once was, a ruthless Keeper, tasked with stopping often-violent Histories from waking up and getting out. Because of her job, she lies to the people she loves, and she knows fear for what it is: a useful tool for staying alive.

Being a Keeper isn’t just dangerous—it’s a constant reminder of those Mac has lost. Da’s death was hard enough, but now her little brother is gone too. Mac starts to wonder about the boundary between living and dying, sleeping and waking. In the Archive, the dead must never be disturbed. And yet, someone is deliberately altering Histories, erasing essential chapters. Unless Mac can piece together what remains, the Archive itself might crumble and fall. 

In this haunting, richly imagined novel, Victoria Schwab reveals the thin lines between past and present, love and pain, trust and deceit, unbearable loss and hard-won redemption.


This book was defenitely a 4 star. I loved it from cover to cover. My only objection was the way Mac treated her parents. It was defenitly unpleasant. Otherwise, this book was like a blackhole, pulling you in constantly. It was so very interesting. I recommend it for anyone, even adults. The characters are very well developed and Wesley Ayers is defenitely a plus. ;). He is absolutely half of the reasons to read this book. His crooked smile and sharp wit. His character is very mysterious and riveting. Mackenzie is also very interesting. You can see all the struggles she is going through and how she learns to overcome them by finally letting someone(Wesley <3) into her life. I loved how she was able to open up to him. 
Another reason to love this book is the sci-fi angle of it. The world that Victoria Schwab has created is so complex and so insanely amazing, I have to applaud her on that. She wrote this book in a very strategical way. The plot twists, real foreshadowing, and fake leads that she integrated leave you gasping as you turn every page. 

So in summary, READ THIS BOOK!

Also, if you want to discuss anything about it after you read it, or if you have any qualms about it, just use the comment box and I will reply promptly 🙂

Liebster Award Nomination

==Liebster Award Nomination==

First of all I’d like to thank Dancing Through the Pages for nominating  me for the Liebster Award! I’ve made this book blog for nearly a week and I’ve already made friends – yay! (EDIT: I also got nominated by thebodaciousbookbabe so thank you for that!)

The Liebster award is basically a way of getting to know blogs with 200 or less followers (that’s me!). Whoever created it – a big clap on the back for you and THANK YOU! (:


Here are the rules:

Link and thank the blogger that nominated you

Answer the 11 questions your nominator gives you

Tag 11 other bloggers who have 200 or less followers

Ask the 11 nominated bloggers 11 questions and tell them you’ve nominated them


Onto Kelly’s 11 questions:

1. What was the last book that made you cry?

The Blood of Olympus. I cried when I got it, and I cried when it ended.

2. What is a really underrated book that you would love to see on the big screen? Why?

Wow, this is actually pretty hard! I’d love to see the Throne of Glass series on the big screen, but that’s pretty popular and I’m sure it’s coming. Next is probably Eon. I don’t think that’s underrated though either. Anyways, they both have *AWESOME* protagonists and a gripping plot and I’m sure it’ll do well on screen.

3. What is something in a book that has to be well-done for you to like it? (For me, it’s characterization.) Is it plot, setting, characters, etc?

Depends on the genre, but for fiction: Firstly, the book needs an engaging plot. A book with no plot is like an apple without a core. Then the characters. I won’t waste my time reading about whiny / fake / stupid characters. They need to be real and understandable, so I can connect to them, stand in their shoes and feel what they’re feeling. Another important one for me is grammar/spelling/writing. I tend to stop concentrating on reading when I pick out a grammar error. It’s like, “You put so much effort into publishing it and there’s an error?!” I almost feel sad 😦 And I hate it when the writing is repetitive. Like hello, there’s a thing called The Thesaurus!

4. Is there a book that you consider your guilty pleasure? If so, why?

Hmm…this is a hard one….probably one of those kiddie books that are really [lame] for people my age but I still cry and laugh over them just for the sake of it. For instance, I’m pretty sure I’ll still read the Rainbow Fairies and root for the fairies to win. Or those books that you know are badly written or cliché but you still like reading them because of, well, because. I don’t even think I’m making sense right now. But you get the idea.

5. What is your favorite book setting? (Stuff like this -> Fantasy AU, Boarding School, Hollywood, New York, Foreign Countries, etc.)

Definitely Fantasy AU. Second is (tentatively) a high school setting if it’s done right because I’m in high school now and I can sooooort of relate to it.

6. What is a book that you want to read purely for the cover?

I wanted to read Snow Like Ashes, but you see how that turned out. Never judge a book by it’s cover! But I guess my next pretty-book-cover target is Talon by Julie Kagawa. I haven’t read any books by her but I’ve seen mixed reviews so I’ll see how it goes (:

7. Is there a book that you’ve tried to read innumerable times but have never been able to finish? What is it?

Heh, not really because I try my best to finish every book I read. It’s the best I can do to show the author the respect that s/he deserves and you know, everybody has different tastes and whatnot so I always to my best to *try* and view each book in a positive light. The closest book I’ve come to DNFing is probably Twilight a few years ago. I feel sorta ashamed that I finished it tbh, but my friends kept nagging me so it took me a record six months to get through it. Man, just thinking about it gives me bad memories.
“you’re cold and shiny”
“i hate your scent”
“i love you”
“i could eat ya right now”

8. What is your OTP (One True Pairing)?

My three OTPs are: Percabeth. PercyxAnnabeth. Percaabeeeeeth. Nuff said.

9. Why and when did you start your book blog?

I started my book blog roughly a week ago, because I’ve always wanted to share my opinions about books and decided a book blog was the best way to go! It also serves as a healthy place for me to rant if needed 😉

10. If you estimate, what is most books you’ve ever checked out from your library?

Six at a time. I was super cool and proud too, because the limit was actually 4 but I got voted as the library monitor so I could borrow 2 more than the norm. ❤

11. What is your favorite type of post to write for your blog?

Reviews! (because I get to use my GIFS)


Whew! Now onto the nominations! I’m passing it to these 11 awesome peeps:

Sarah in Wonderland

Thunder Tumbler

Cat and Caterpillar Reviews


Bookaholic’s Blog


Cup of Crazy


Bookworm Coalition



And if you’ve done it, then it just means that you’re extra awesome. If you haven’t then you should! It’s fun! Here are my 11 questions:

1) Which book you would recommend to anyone?

2) What is your favorite quote from a book?

3) Who is your favorite author and why?

4) How do you usually read your books (ebook, audiobook, paperback, etc)?

5) If you could be a character from a book, who would it be and why?

6) What is a book that you’ve been disappointed in?

7) Have you ever gotten signed copies of books? Which ones?

8) What is your favorite genre to read?

9) What is the worst “school book” (books for school or are common in school curriculums) you’ve read?

10) Do you judge a book more by it’s cover or blurb?

11) Why did you start your book blog?

Happy reading, answering, tagging, etc.!




Liebster Award Nomination

Thank you for nominating!

Dancing Through the Pages

~Liebster Award Nomination~

I wasn’t expecting this at all (I literally made this two months ago), but I was nominated by Danielle of Stories Unfolded for the Liebster award! Thank you for nominating my blog! 🙂

From what I’ve seen, it’s an award, taggy thing for blogs with less than 200 followers.

This tag also made me realize exactly how anti-social I am, even on the internet. I sort of feel more motivated to read other people’s book blogs now.

The Rules

Link and thank the blogger that nominated you

Answer the 11 questions your nominator gives you

Tag 11 other bloggers who have 200 or less followers

Ask the 11 nominated bloggers 11 questions and tell them you’ve nominated them

Danielle’s Questions

Q: If you were stranded on a desert island and only had one book, what would that book be?

This question is pure evil. Would…

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