The Lunar Chronicles: Cinder

Cinder by Marissa Meyer


I know I said I’d write a review about Shatter Me, but I just read this book and it’s so flipping good that I’ll have to cut the line. /sorrynotsorry

So basically, this is a retelling of Cinderella. I usually dislike fairytale retellings. Like, why can’t you people create a story of your own or something??? But the blurb really intrigued me (Beijing. Cyborgs. Interstellar Politics. What could possibly go wrong?) so I got a copy and ohmygods I am so glad I did.

Linh Cinder, our cyborg protagonist, is just a plain old mechanic with a plain old life. She’s the “Cinderella” in case that wasn’t obvious (Cinder -Cinderella) but that changes when she meets sweet Prince Kai and gets drafted to go test some deadly disease that has been spreading.

I won’t go into much more detail about the plot because it would spoil stuff for you guys, but I will tell you why I loved it so much.

A) THE CHARACTERS. Especially Cinder. She’s a strong girl who wants the best for herself and those that care for her. All the characters were great except for Adri and Pearl (step mother and step sister respectively, but that’s expected).

B) THE SETTING/WORLD. I can’t get over how cool it is!!! Like seriously? Cyborgs, androids, ID chips (Yes – we have those – but they use these for everyday living, not only as identification, but also as a tracking device, credit card, family lineage, basically everything) not to mention how the world is still the world as we know it today but is split up as the “Commonwealth” and all the stuff in space. Beyond cool. Awesome in fact. It almost reminds me of Ender’s Game.

The only con is the plot. It’s a Cinderella-based-storyline so it’s going not going to be a roller coaster. You know where the story is going. The so-called twist was also extremely predictable.

Literally this happens.

Nonetheless, I still enjoyed it.

tldr: Amazing. You should definitely give it a try no matter what.
I’m off to get the next book ASAP.